Merz to Emigré and Beyond : Avant-Garde Magazine Design of the Twentieth Century

Heller, Steven, 2013
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-7148-6594-2
Verfasser Heller, Steven Wikipedia
Systematik L - Layout
Systematik S - Schrift
Systematik G - Grafik
Schlagworte Surrealismus, Dada, Dekonstruktion, Magazin, Avantgarde, Editorial Design, Schwitters, Kurt, Spiegelman, Art, Lissitzky, El
Verlag Phaidon
Ort Berlin
Jahr 2013
Umfang 240 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Auflage 1., neue Ausg.
Sprache englisch
Illustrationsang Ill.
Annotation Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung

Merz to Emigré and Beyond : Avant-Garde Magazine Design of the Twentieth Century / von Steven Heller

A historical survey of avant-garde cultural and political magazines and journals of the 20th century that presents rarely seen magazines from all over the globe linked to controversial art, literary and political movements such as Dada, Surrealism, the New Left and Deconstruction. A provocative compendium of graphics and artwork by experimental artists and designers of their time - from Kurt Schwitters and EI Lissitzky in the 1920s and 1930s, to Art Spiegelman and Rudy VanderLans in the 1980s and 1990s
Bemerkung Katalogisat importiert von: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Exemplare Standort
14808 L, Hell


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